by higwebadmin | Mar 14, 2020 | Governor, News
To help make the public aware of COVID-19 preparedness and procedures, the Wolf Administration has created a library of free outreach materials for businesses, organizations and anyone interested in displaying important messaging on COVID-19. The materials are...
by higwebadmin | Mar 13, 2020 | News
Columbia Gas today announced that it will voluntarily suspend shutoffs for nonpayment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, effectively immediately. This suspension will apply to residential, commercial and industrial customers and will remain in effect until further...
by higwebadmin | Mar 13, 2020 | News
Effective immediately, Met-Ed is temporarily discontinuing power shutoffs for customers who are past due on their electric bills. This action will not only help customers who are facing a hardship due to the lack of income during this time, but will also limit...
by higwebadmin | Mar 13, 2020 | News
On the heels of offering new, low-income Internet Essentials customers two months of free internet and raising the speed of that program’s service to 25/3 Mbps, Comcast today announced additional steps to help ensure people stay connected to the internet as more...
by higwebadmin | Mar 12, 2020 | News
Today Mayor Michael R. Helfrich announced in a press conference held at the front steps of York City Hall that he has issued a Declaration of Disaster Emergency for the City of York relating to the spread of COVID-19 / Coronavirus. Today’s announcement is the result...
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